18-19 January 2018: Workshop on Recalibrating executive-legislative relations in the European Union
On 18-19 January 2018, a workshop on recalibrating executive-legislative relations in the European Union at the Maastricht University Campus Brussels. The event is open for registration and is organised by Diane Fromage and Thomas Christiansen.
2017 marked both the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties – and hence of the European Union (EU) – and the start of the United Kingdom’s negotiations to withdraw from it. At the same time, a debate on the future of the EU has begun, including a White Paper from the European Commission setting out a number of scenarios for the evolution of the Union. This is a period in which the future of the integration process is uncertain, with the Union facing both internal and external challenges as well as new opportunities for further integration.
National and European parliaments will need to play an important role in this context in their quality as institutions in charge of ensuring democratic legitimacy within the EU (art. 10 TEU). National parliaments are arguably still perceived by citizens as the institutions in charge of democratic representation par excellence, although the recent trend towards referendums on EU matters has, to a certain extent, challenged this assumption. By contrast, as far as the European Parliament is concerned, the declining turnout at its elections as well as rising Euroscepticism indicate the limited faith that citizens appear to have in the EU’s only directly-elected institution. The fact that the European Parliament has already started a deeper reflection on these questions is no guarantee that this trend will be reversed. Against this background, the Centre for European Research in Maastricht (CERiM) convenes a Workshop to provide a forum for a debate on these developments. The Workshop will take place on 18 and 19 January 2018 at Maastricht University – Campus Brussels.
Please register for the event here as there are limited spaces and allocation is based on first-come, first-served.
No participation fee will be requested but in case of no-show, a cancellation fee will be charged.
UM Campus Brussels: Avenue de l'Armée 10, 1040 Brussels
How to get to UM Campus Brussels by metro:
From the Central station take the purple metro line 1 leading to Stockel (not line 5 to Herrmann-Debroux) and get off at ‘Montgomery’. Take exit ‘Boulevard de Saint-Michel / Rue Tervuren 1-171 and then turn right. Walk in the direction of the Arch (Arcade du Cinquantenaire) and enter the second street on your left. This is the Avenue de l’Armée/ Legerlaan and after 10 meters the UM Campus Brussels will be on your left side.
For any questions, please contact Ms. Elke Hundhausen: elke.hundhausen@maastrichtuniversity.nl