Research Focus
CERiM’s research agenda Reshaping Europe in a Globalising World focuses on how Europe is responding to and is having an effect on developments at the global level, be they of political, legal or social nature. CERiM researchers examine how global conditions and internal dynamics have been changing Europe, past and present, and assess whether and how Europe may continue to be a salient actor in the international arena. In both respects, the preservation and development of European values and achievements – such as the welfare state, fundamental rights, democratic institutions, and last but not least the European integration process itself – are an important focus of CERiM research.
The relevance of CERiM’s research agenda lies firstly in its contribution to academic and societal debates in a time marked by ongoing uncertainties and various crises, such as security challenges, refugees and migration issues and the ongoing economic and financial crisis. Secondly, CERiM is one of the few EU research centres that aim to address these pertinent issues from multi- and interdisciplinary angles bringing together prominent scholars from the fields of law, political science and history. The distinctive approach of CERiM may also be seen in its research methods combing historical and empirical inquiry, legal analysis, normative evaluation, and theoretical and conceptual development. Thirdly, CERiM brings together more than one hundred researchers from PhD candidate to distinguished professor, thus enabling CERiM to make contributions to various ongoing issues at the same time.
At CERiM, we strongly believe in the relevance of both conducting cutting-edge academic research and contributing to public debates. CERiM members contribute to scholarship in European studies by means of high quality scientific publications. Public events, blogs, op-eds and a series of Jean Monnet lectures open to the general public help to translate that research into society. In both these ways, CERiM research matters.