5th CLEER Summer School on the Law of EU External Relations
CLEER and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut present their 5th intensive one-week summer school in EU External Relations Law, hosted by UM in the European capital of Brussels, from 24 to 28 June 2019.
CLEER and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut present their 5th intensive one-week summer school in EU External Relations Law, hosted by UM in the European capital of Brussels, from 24 to 28 June 2019.
- The programme will comprise interactive lectures delivered by renowned academic experts, workshops led by experienced practitioners and excursions to the EU institutions, enabling participants to glean first-hand experience of how theory is transformed into practice.
- Extensive knowledge of the core actors and instruments forming the foundations of the EU’s external action.
- Deep understanding of legal and policy issues in key fields including the Trade, Development, Environment, CFSP/CSDP and AFSJ.
- Stimulating debate on current EU external policy challenges such as Brexit and EU external relations, fundamental issues such as EU competences, mixed agreements and legal review.
- First-hand experience of life at the heart of the EU, along with fantastic networking opportunities and visits to the EU institutions and Brussels law firm.
- Language: all lectures will be held in English.
Click here for more information on the Summer School and the application process.