Inaugural lecture by Mariolina Eliantonio, appointed 'Professor of European and Comparative Administrative Law and Procedure’, preceded by the congress 'The future of judicial review'
On 3 May 2019, dr. Mariolina Eliantonio will accept the appointment to 'Professor of European and Comparative Administrative Law and Procedure’ with the delivery of an inaugural lecture. That same day, the congress 'The future of judicial review' will take place.
On Friday 3rd of May 2019, dr. Mariolina Eliantonio, appointed 'Professor of European and Comparative Administrative Law and Procedure’ in the Faculty of Law, will accept this position with the delivery of an inaugural lecture at 16:30 in the Aula of Maastricht University, (Minderbroedersberg, 4-6, Maastricht).
Prior to the inaugural lecture, the congress 'The future of judicial review' by Prof. Mariolina Eliantonio will take place.
Registration is not neccessary for the inaugural lecture, but it is required for the congress 'The future of judicial review'.
Please click here to register.