Seminar on EU Health Law and Policy: Shaping a Future Research Agenda
On September 25, a seminar on "EU Health Law and Policy: Shaping a Future Research Agenda" will be held. The event is hosted by CERiM, welcoming academics from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Lancaster, sharing recent research findings.
As part of their British Academy-funded project, Dr Eleanor Brooks (Global Health Policy Unit, University of Edinburgh) and Dr Mary Guy (Law School, Lancaster University) hosted an interdisciplinary workshop – EU Health Law and Policy: Shaping a Future Research Agenda – at Lancaster University in April 2018. The event brought together 15 academics and practitioners from across the spectrum of EU health law and policy to discuss the challenges facing the field. Utilising a ‘World Café’ format, participants moved between tables discussing topics that included the feasibility / value of a European Charter of Patients’ Rights, the strengthening of the Health in All Policies principle, a rebalancing of the role of EU competition law in healthcare, the relevance of pharmaceutical industry ‘corporate social responsibility’ programmes for EU medicines policies, the use of the European Semester as a health policy tool and the implications of Brexit for EU health regulation. The workshop ended with two work-in-progress sessions, where colleagues presented ongoing work on the use of the mainstreaming provisions to combat NCDs and the role of EU bureaucratic politics in undermining the austerity agenda in health. In this seminar, Dr Brooks will present the outcomes and ongoing development of the project, reflecting on the state of the ‘EU health studies’ field, and looking ahead to the second workshop at University of Edinburgh in November 2018.
The seminar is going to be held at Maastricht University, Groote Gracht 80-82, room 0.039.
9.00-9.30 Welcome Coffee
9:30-11:00 Seminar
To register, please contact Carlotta Borges ;