CERiM Coordinator Vigijlenca Abazi chairs Panel during ECPR General Conference in Oslo, 2017

− 1 min read "Open call for papers - ECPR General Conference Oslo 2017, Panel 'Closed and coopted? Dilemmas of parliamentary oversight practices' chaired by Dr Vigjilenca Abazi Deadline: 15 February 2017

Access to information is vital to the exercise of democratic scrutiny. At the same time, some democratic policies require secrecy. Particularly in the realm of security policy, to ensure that democratic principles are heeded, parliaments are informed behind closed doors. In the area of foreign policy, some parliaments choose to refuse access to secret information to retain their freedom to debate matters openly, whilst others have established ‘gangs’ of various sizes that get privileged access to information, but with heavy strings attached. We invite Papers analysing the practice and consequences of closed oversight.

What characterises such procedures, what causes variation, and how do closed procedures impact on the ability and willingness of actors to exercise scrutiny and control?​ This panel is Chaired by Dr Vigjilenca Abazi and is part of the Section 'Behind Closed Doors Re-Visited: Exploring the Transparency-Accountability-Representation Nexus' organised by Dr Guri Rosén (University of Oslo) and Dr Anne Elizabeth Stie​ (University of Agder).