Centre for European Research in Maastricht
The Centre for European Research in Maastricht (CERiM) is a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.
CERiM is an interdisciplinary research venue creating synergies and stimulating joint projects and events in the fields of European law, governance, and their respective history. It brings together researchers from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS), the Faculty of Law (FL), and the University College Maastricht of Maastricht University (UCM). CERiM links the FASoS research programme Politics and Culture in Europe with the Maastricht Centre for European Law (FL), and the Montesquieu Institute Maastricht (FL with participation of FASoS).
CERiM provides a platform of collaboration, intellectual exchange and facilitation between the participating researchers. At the same time it bundles individual efforts to increase international outreach and to give a substantial input to the Maastricht University’s strategic research theme Europe and a Globalising World. CERiM is one of several centres at Maastricht that bring together researchers from the Faculty of Law and FASoS.
For more information, please visit: https://cerimmaastrichtuniversity.org
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