25 May 2018: Workshop on "Public Ethics and Integrity in the EU Institutions: Achievements and Challenges Ahead"

On Friday, May 25, a workshop will be organised by CERiM members Natassa Athanasiadou and Andreea Năstase on "Public Ethics and Integrity in the EU Institutions: Achievements and Challenges Ahead". Registration is now open.

As the mandate of the current European Parliament and Commission is drawing to an end – with elections planned for next year – this workshop aims to take stock of ethics and transparency measures initiated and/or implemented in both institutions since 2014 until present day. In particular, we explore in a comparative perspective points of convergence and divergence in the regulatory approaches of the European Parliament and Commission. The workshop brings together Law and Political Science scholars, as well as practitioners from EU Institutions and NGOs, in the framework of two panels. Discussion topics include the regulation of conflicts of interest and so-called ‘revolving doors’ situations, relations between public office holders and interest representatives, as well as internal and external mechanisms of control.

The event will take place at the UM Campus Brussels (Avenue de Tervueren/Tervurenlaan 153) on Friday, May 25th. Registration for the event can be done through the following link: registration form

For more information on the event, please contact Dr. Andreea Năstase: a.nastase@maastrichtuniversity.nl



10:00 – 10:20: Registration & coffee

10:20 – 10:30: Opening remarks by workshop convenors - Dr. Natassa Athansiadou and Dr. Andreea Năstase (Maastricht University) 

10:30 – 13:00: Panel 1 ‘Managing integrity risks: rules on conflicts of interest, ‘revolving doors’ and relations with interest representatives’

This panel discusses how various integrity risks are regulated within the European Commission and the European Parliament. Integrity risks can be defined as circumstances in which the independence and impartiality of public office holders could be jeopardized. The panel focuses in particular on: conflicts of interest, revolving doors, and relations between public office holders and interest representatives (including in the framework of the Transparency Register).

Panel Participants:

  • Dennis de Jong, Member of the European Parliament
  • Daniel Freund, Head of Advocacy EU Integrity, Transparency International EU
  • Emilia Korkea-aho, Associate Professor in EU law, University of Helsinki
  • Martin Ohridski, Policy Officer, Transparency Unit, Secretariat General, European Commission
  • Christian Roques, Head of Unit on Legal Affairs, Directorate General for Human Resources, European Commission
  • Ellen Vos, Professor of EU Law, Maastricht University

Chair: Natassa Athanasiadou, Assistant Professor, Maastricht University

13:00 – 14:00: Lunch

14:00 – 16:30: Panel 2 ‘Checks and balances: the role of controlling actors’

The present panel focuses on the established mechanisms which aim at addressing integrity risks or problems. We look at which actors monitor the application of the rules and may intervene, once problems occur, both inside the institutions (e.g., hierarchical superiors, whistle-blowers, the Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the European Commission), as well as outside of them (e.g., the European Ombudsman).

Panel Participants:

  • Alberto Alemanno, Professor of EU Law and Regulation, HEC Paris (TBC)
  • Elpida Apostolidou, Legal Officer, European Ombudsman
  • Monica Macovei, Member of the European Parliament
  • Christine Neuhold, Professor of EU Democratic Governance, Maastricht University
  • Karen Williams, Director of IDOC, European Commission

Chair: Andreea Năstase, Assistant Professor, Maastricht University

From 16:30:  Reception