23 January 2018: Lecture on Holocaust Memory by Ferenc Laczo
Dr. Ferenc Laczo (Assistant Professor of European History, Maastricht University) will be giving a lecture titled "The Europeanization of Holocaust Memory? The Jewish Catastrophe in German and East European Memory Cultures".
In his lecture, he will address some important questions about Holocaust memory such as the role of peripheries and non-German actors.
1. How have German and Eastern European memory cultures been interacting since the fall of communism?
2. How has the interpretation of the genocide against European Jews been transformed as a result?
3. What are the key accomplishments and where are the limits of Europeanising Holocaust memory?
The lecture will take place at MBB aula (Minderbroedersberg 4-6) from 20:00 - 21:45 on January 23, 2018. Entry is free for students, staff, and the public so please share the event! Registration is not required.