19-20 November 2015: Conference on Soft Law before the European courts: Discovering a common pattern?

A two-day conference entitled ‘Soft law before the European courts: discovering a common pattern?’ will take place on the 19 & 20 November 2015 in Brussels.

On 19 and 20 November 2015, CERiM and the Dickson Poon School of Law (King’s College London) will organise a two-day conference entitled ‘Soft Law before the European courts: Discovering a common pattern?’ in Brussels.

The conferences, as well as several workshops, aim to bring together scholars in order to try to identify common patterns and possible idiosyncrasies in the European courts’ approach towards soft law. Some of the issues that will be covered, concern: 

  • The status and legal effects of soft law recognized by the EU courts in specific policy fields;
  • The justiciability of soft law and the way in which judicial review of such instruments is undertaken by the European Courts in the fields of study;
  • The mechanisms through which European Courts recognize – if ever – the legal effects of soft law instrument

More information on the event can be found here.